
Start a full-stack TypeScript app without cloud lock-in

Generate an app like SuddenApp Example based on popular TypeScript frameworks that can be deployed on any cloud or Virtual Private Server host.

Build on popular technologies



SuddenApp generates boilerplate code to quickly start a new SaaS. The code includes a NestJS backend and React frontend with customized Bootstrap look and feel. Database scripts support local development with Postgres running in Docker to mimic production deployment against a real database.

Flexible deployment to any NodeJS host

  • Avoid vendor lock-in and unpredictable costs
  • Comply with data protection regulations by controlling how and where your data is hosted
  • TypeScript for both backend and frontend lets any developer work on all parts of the app

Backend with authentication

  • NestJS provides app modularity on top of NodeJS
  • Database access using Prisma generates typesafe database code for many databases
  • Sign-up and login with e-mail codes using standard SMTP servers
  • REST API endpoints with JWT authentication, CSRF and CORS protection

Responsive frontend with customized look and feel

  • Single-page application frontend based on React
  • React Router provides bookmarkable hash-URLs for any page
  • Bootstrap as layout and component library with customized look-and-feel using Sass and component integration using react-bootstrap
  • Frontend code includes networking code to communicate with backend API endpoints

About SuddenApp

SuddenApp was created by William Saar who runs consulting firm Updab AB and has experience as a backend developer for products such as Spotify, Candy Crush, and several enterprise products.

Full-stack TypeScript has proven to be productive and maintainable choice for new SaaS products. SuddenApp is the result of iterating and testing out libraries and patterns while building 4 different products based on the stack.

Apps that lead up to the creation of SuddenApp include and

Tell me more

Self-serve automation for SuddenApp is currently in development.

E-mail [email protected] for any questions or if you want to buy an app right now and we will help out using a manual process.